This dressing is great with artichoke and asparagus salad, and it's one of the easiest recipes I have! Using a good quality olive oil makes a big difference...
Love this healthy, quick recipe, perfect for a summer BBQ or a classy dinner! Hope you enjoy this as much as I do! I am new writing down my recipes, and...
This ranch dressing is great because it doesn't have all the chemicals and preservatives that many do. You can also use buttermilk in place of the sour...
A creamy, multipurpose miso dressing. Great on salads, vegetables, or whatever else your heart desires. The ingredients are more true to the Japanese style....
Fast, easy and impressive. Add to romaine lettuce, bacon, Parmesan cheese and homemade croutons. You can always kick up your salad a notch and add sliced...
This is a recipe from an older department store in St. Louis, Famous & Barr. A great creamy anchovy-based dressing! Great with a romaine lettuce or salad...
I didn't have prepared mustard on hand as requested in another recipe, so I substituted a combination of honey mustard and dry mustard. When I found it...
Real light and refreshing either as starter or side salad. Easily doubles. I have used Parmesan instead of Asiago cheese. Nuts can be left out. I have...
I don't mind making and eating this salad dressing especially if I'm watching the amount of cholesterol that I eat. This dressing is very good tasting...
This creamy tahini salad dressing is easy to make and endlessly versatile. You can use it to dress a simple green salad, or use it as a sauce in your favorite...
This is the 'secret' Greek dressing recipe from the pizzeria that I work at. The recipe makes almost a gallon but can be scaled down easily. It can be...
A quick sweet dressing for any mixture of fruit salad. Especially good in summer for a no cook dinner. Serve over cut up and mixed fruit of your choice,...
This delicious, creamy dressing is non-dairy and gluten-free. My meat-and-potato husband loves it on his grilled chicken, steak, and spread on his burgers....
This salad has it all: great taste, protein, fiber, good fats, beautiful appearance, and it couldn't be easier to assemble. It will become one of your...
Traditional Russian beet salad that is super delicious, cheap and easy. A personal favorite. I like to add black beans and chickpeas to increase the protein...
When I was stationed overseas in Sembach, Germany, all of the restaurants served this salad dressing. So simple and so tasty. It's slightly creamy and...
After having a delicious TGI Friday's grilled chicken salad, I was determined to figure out the cilantro-lime salad dressing served with it. This is what...
It's just a Caesar salad. But the dressing makes all the difference. It takes about 3 minutes to shake together. If it makes my brothers and dad will eat...
I love persimmons and they taste great in salads. There are different types of persimmon. The Fuyu kind does not need to be ripe and can be eaten while...